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Figure Out Dates by Using Formulas

Use formulas to figure out dates such as how many workdays until vacation, or calculate the finish date for a project.

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Get to Know Excel 2010 - Create Formulas

Learn how to use formulas to do basic math in Excel, how to make formula results update automatically, and how to use predefined formulas called functions that do things like calculate the amount of monthly payments.

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How to Create a Basic Chart in Excel 2010

Charts make data visual. With a chart you can transform spreadsheet data to show comparisons, patterns, and trends.

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Make the Switch to Excel 2010

Do you already know how to use Microsoft Excel? Are you making the switch to Excel 2010 from Excel 2003 or earlier? If so, you’ve come to the right place to get familiar with the new version and to see how to do everyday tasks.

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Sparklines - Use Tiny Charts to Show Data Trends

As you look at rows and rows of data, sometimes it’s hard to immediately make sense of it. Add tiny charts called sparklines next to data to give readers a picture of what the data means, making it easy to spot patterns and trends.

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The IF Function - What is it, and How to Use It

The IF function checks to see if a condition you specify is true, or false. If true, one thing happens; if false, something else happens. For example, if you use the IF function to see if amounts spent are under or over budget, the result for True could be “Within budget,” while the result for False could be “Over budget.”

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Use Excel Tables to Manage Information

Manage information by using Excel tables, which make it easy to format data, sort, filter, add totals, and use formulas.

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VLOOKUP - What is It, and When to Use It

Learn how to use VLOOKUP to look up a value you want to find in an Excel list or table. Using VLOOKUP is similar to looking up a person’s name in a telephone book to get a telephone number. VLOOKUP looks at a value in one column, and finds its corresponding value on the same row in another column.

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